The Tempest
The Tempest
The Tempest is one of the last plays by Shakespeare, which combines tragic elements with concepts of romantic comedy and poses deeper questions that remain unresolved by the end of the play. Its postcolonial undertones cannot be missed when Prospero captivates Caliban, the only living being on the island and promptly enslaves him with the false promise of freedom. The play opens with a theatrical scene of spectacles when the King of Naples, Alonso and Prospero’s brother Antonio is engulfed in a tempest. Prospero and his daughter Miranda watch from afar as the royal party is shipwrecked by the magical storm Prospero created to exact revenge on the people who had de-throned him. With The Tempest, Shakespeare turns to fantasy and magic as a way to explore romantic love, sibling hatred and parental affection. As Ferdinand and Miranda fall in love on one hand, the captured Caliban plots to murder his colonial master. Supernatural elements like the spirit of Ariel, also bound to Prospero, bring to life the debate of reality versus illusion. Illuminating Shakespeare explores the writer’s life and work through video essays, articles and creative resources for every level from school to scholar.